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Protect your workspace with Hubshare

Security, authentication and user right management in the Cloud.

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Our infrastructures are hosted in UK by Microsoft Azure, one of the world leaders, created and managed in compliance with the most stringent security and compliance standards in the world: ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018.

Hubshare is available in more than 50 regions of the world.


Connect to all your hubs with a single ID, thanks to the unique SSO (Single Sign-On) authentication technology integrated with ADFS, Azure AD and any other SAML 2.0 compatible system.

Enable two-factor authentication, also known as 2FA, to add an additional level of security to your hub. So, in addition to your password, enter a unique code valid for a limited time on your smartphone.

Cloud Integration

Data Encryption

Data Hosti​ng

Data encryption is performed by Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider, a FIPS 140-2 compliant cryptographic service provider (CSP) used by Hubshare to encrypt content and rename files using the symmetric AES algorithm.

Data in Transit

All data in transit is protected by our Secure Stockets Layer (SSL) certificate. The “SSL certificate” is a common way to express the use of SSL or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. We use the TLS protocol to establish the encrypted connection between the web server and the browser.

Access and User Rights

Company Admin

Has the ability to configure all the parameters related to the company and manage all users (internal and external).

Hub Admin

The creator of a Hub can define an internal user or group as an admin, which means they can invite users to the Hub and manage their rights.

Internal User

A user who is part of the same company as the administrators. They can be invited to Hubs, have individual storage space and use Hubshare plugins (Outlook, Office, etc.).

External User

Users who are not part of the same company as the administrators (customers, partners, service providers of the company). They are limited in functionality compared to internal ones but can still collaborate freely in the Hubs to which they have access.